16 Février – Séminaire I2M : Paolo Maria MARIANO, de l'University di Firenze

14 h Visio

"Active Metamaterials"

Le séminaire du mois de février de l'institut I2M aura lieu le 16/02/2023 à 14h en mode virtuel.Il sera possible d'assister à ce séminaire via ZOOM au lien suivant

ID de réunion : 930 1814 1443
Code secret : 522674

Pour ce séminaire, nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir M. Paolo Maria MARIANO, de l'Università di Firenze.

Il nous présentera un exposé intitulé Active Metamaterials dont le résumé est donné ci-dessous:


In this talk we call “active” those metamaterials that belong to one of these two intersecting classes:

  • They are made by materials endowed per se with active microstructure (e.g., polarizable materials, quasi-periodic alloys).
  • Their architecture allows inner (kinematic) degrees of freedom

In both cases their modeling at continuum scale falls outside the traditional format of continuum mechanics. We cross traditional borders, due to the need of describing microstructural “activity”. Its direct observability excludes in a sense the introduction of internal variables because – at least in their standard interpretation – they are just “entities” that measure the removal from thermodynamical equilibrium, while here microstructural degrees of freedom contribute to equilibrium. So, observable variables are required. Their time variation implies and is governed by true interactions, which satisfy appropriate balance equations derived from first principles of invariance. The representation becomes naturally a multi-field scheme.

In the talk, I’ll start with a specific example falling in the second class above. Then, I will portrait essential aspects of the general model-building framework. Eventually, I’ll discuss some open problems, which may be a suggestion for further research.

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