Durability of Materials, Assemblies and Structures

The scientific department targets are the fundamental understanding and multiscale modeling of deformation, damage and failure of materials and structure under complex environmental and mechanical loading.

Department presentation and research

Key Figures

  • 20 researchers
  • 40 PhD students
  • 2 support plateforms

The research activity in the Durability of Materials, Assemblies and structures (DUMAS) department aims to fully comprehend the physical origin and to propose multiscale modeling of deformation, damage and failure of materials and structures under complex thermo-mechanical, environmental or combined loadings. (stress-corrosion or fatigue corrosion for example) 

The type of materials investigated is wide, ranging from composites (continuous and short fibers) to metallic materials (additive manufactured materials, high strength steels, metals for automotive and aeronautical applications)  or reinforced polymers.

The department is organized in four research groups and an numerical transverse axes that embed numerical developments (code development for discret modeling methods ans microstructure modeling). The four research groups  are the following :

  • Adhesion and bonding
  • Fatigue of materials and structures
  • Dynamic and choc
  • Mechanics, corrosion and hydrogen

The research activity is sustained by a large experimental platform, regrouping state of the art facilities in the field of mechanics of material,  original and unique in order to adress the field of expertise of each research groups.

The department drains a significant amount of  National or European  Research Fundations Grants together with industrial collaborations in the field of automotive, aeronautics, energy, space and nuclear industry. 

Updated on 25/05/2023


Nicolas Saintier
Responsable du Dpt

Esplanade des Arts et Métiers

05 56 84 53 61
Contact by email

Completed work