- Accueil
- Plan du site
Site map I2M - Institute of Mechanical Engineering
- Events
- MUGV & Manufacturing'21
- JNC21
- Ecole thématique M2Corr: (Mécanique Microstructure Corrosion)
- 12th International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture
- C2I 2019
- Soutenance Thèse Alexia Este
- Soutenance Thèse Mohamed Bensalem
- Soutenance Thèse Lucas Lestandi
- Soutenance Thèse Yibiao Wang
- Soutenance HDR Anissa Meziane
- Soutenance Thèse Giulio Costa
- Soutenance Thèse Maria De Los Ángeles ORTEGA DEL ROSARIO
- Conference Society And Materials 14
- Workshop LTC AENIGME
- Phase-Field : Recents advances on phase-field models and simulations
The Institute, UMR 5295
- The Institute, UMR 5295
- Resources
- Publications
- How to come @ I2M and Contacts
- Members
- Jobs opportunities
- Research and Lecture
- Offres de thèses
- Energy optimization of microbatteries by 3D thermal microscopy
- Imagerie thermique super resolue pour l'optimisation des transferts d'énergie dans les microsystèmes
- Imagerie thermique super resolue pour l'optimisation des transferts d'énergie dans les microsystèmes
- Imagerie thermique super resolue pour l'optimisation des transferts d'énergie dans les microsystèmes
- Mechanical behavior of pharmaceutical powders and tablets: viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity
- Mechanical behavior of pharmaceutical powders and tablets: viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity
- Mechanical behavior of pharmaceutical powders and tablets: viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity
- Mechanical behavior of pharmaceutical powders and tablets: viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity
- Mechanical behavior of pharmaceutical powders and tablets: viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity
- Mechanical behavior of pharmaceutical powders and tablets: viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity
- Mechanical behavior of pharmaceutical powders and tablets: viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity
- Mechanical behavior of pharmaceutical powders and tablets: viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity
- Mechanical behavior of pharmaceutical powders and tablets: viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity
- Mechanical behavior of pharmaceutical powders and tablets: viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity
- Mechanical behavior of pharmaceutical powders and tablets: viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity
- Offres de Post-Doc
- Offres d'ATER
- Offres de stage de Master et autres
- Organigram
- Impact of Strong Scattering Resonances on Ballistic and Diffusive Wave Transport
- pages_perso
- Projects
- European Projects
- Projets ANR
- AgreenCamp
- Pc2TES
- GeoCAM
- MagnetoChemoBlast
- CapsEulerianFSI
- Projets Nouvelle Aquitaine
- Other projects
- Politopix
- LCA &MFA for wood products in NA
- Burnt Wood
- K- FraMe (laminate carpentry)
- ColBoisVert
- E2WP Chair Eco engineered Wood Products
- BEST 4.0