Imagerie thermique super resolue pour l'optimisation des transferts d'énergie dans les microsystèmes

Déposée le 20/02/2023


With the development of smart and autonomous systems, the development of efficient portable energy sources has become critical. These systems include both microbatteries and microfluidic fuel cells, two applications that are currently being developed within the I2M Thermal Imaging Field and Characterization (TIFC) team. The performance of these systems is temperature dependent1, and a thorough study of the thermal properties and heat distribution at sub-micron scales is required. These spatial resolutions are required to identify avenues for improvement and new thermally optimized architectures within these processes.

A multispectral microscope for the measurement of the temperature field at the surface or within microfluidic chips has been developed in the laboratory to complement our measurement capabilities2–4. Our current devices are limited by light diffraction (spatial resolution of about λ/2). To overcome this optical limit, the goal is to measure several temperature fields of the same object shifted by a hundred nanometers. Then by inverse method, to reconstruct the temperature field at the submicrometer scale. Once the technique is developed on model materials, temperature field measurements within energy systems fabricated in the laboratory (microbatteries, microfluidic fuel cell, flow battery...) will be performed.

 More specifically, the objectives of this thesis are:

  • to make a bibliographical study on the super-resolved 2D thermal microscopy methods
  • to develop the experimental setup to finalize the sub-micrometric measurement capabilities
  • to validate the instrumentation on a reference sample
  • to carry out temperature measurements within micro-scale energy systems
Super resolution thermal imaging for energy transfer optimization in microsystems

Figure 1: Concept of a super-resolved thermal microscopy measurement

Profile of the candidate:

The student should have a strong background in engineering science and in particular in optical setup, instrumentation and data processing. A strong taste for experimentation is required for this thesis, and knowledge in heat transfer and imaging would be appreciated.

Compensation : approximately 2135€ per month (gross salary)


1. Xiong, G., Kundu, A. & Fisher, T. S. Thermal Effects in Supercapacitors. (Springer International Publishing, 2015). doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20242-6.

2. Bourges, C. et al. Infrared thermotransmittance-based temperature field measurements in semitransparent media. arXiv (2022) doi:10.48550/arXiv.2211.00275.

3. Aouali, A. et al. 3D infrared thermospectroscopic imaging. Sci. Rep.10, 22310 (2020).

4. Battaglia, J.-L. et al. The periodic pulse photothermal radiometry technique within the front face configuration. Measurement158, 107691 (2020).


Expected starting date: 01/10/2023

 Location: I2M, A11 building

Contact : Jérémie Maire & Stéphane Chevalier

email :,

téléphone : 05 40 00 34 11

Supervisors:Jérémie Maire (I2M-TREFLE), Stéphane Chevalier (I2M-TREFLE) & Jean-Luc Battaglia (I2M-TREFLE)

Keywords: Energy storage, Heat transfer, Optics, Instrumentation, Inverse methods, Energetics

Host team:

Updated on 07/03/2023


Jérémie Maire

05 40 00 34 11
Contact by email

Stéphane Chevalier

05 40 00 34 11
Contact by email

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